Another One

We all scroll past another horror, another

mother’s sorrow, a child gone off to school

who’ll not come home after shots were fired;

some unsuspecting teen knifed on a London

street, police at the scene, friends traumatized;

a bombing in an unjust war, a city’s

buildings smashed, yielding rubble that buries

the dead, displaces the living, and further troubles

the waters; the vengeful murder of an unfaithful

lover; some kid attacked for choice of outfit,

dying on the way to the hospital; lives lost because

somebody crossed a gang or safety measures

would have cost a millionaire too much.

We scroll because it’s all so overwhelming,

And our mental health has gone to hell.

How can we cope, or just go on? Does it

get better, really, or is that promise empty?

In a world of hate and greed and lust,

hope still flickers, but only just.

Copyright 2024

T. Allen Culpepper