
Wherever you go, there you are, Dad always said,

and it meant, well, things turn out the way they turn out,

but also, regardless of your location, you’re still you.

The truism didn’t lack irony, for, after his Mediterranean tour

In the navy, Dad never really went anywhere,

always content with himself at home. I, on the other hand,

moved about and traveled around, always on the lookout

for a place where I would fit in. But I’m pushing sixty now,

and I haven’t found it yet, so I have to admit

that Dad was right, I meet myself wherever I go.

Copyright 2021

T. Allen Culpepper


Might it have been easier in some other universe,

this plodding through minefields of of one’s own

potentially explosive defects?

Maybe there, with a different cultural perspective,

one does it for sport, whereas here it’s a tedious

exercise that tries one’s patience.

One does, it seems, feel tired these days.

Copyright 2021

T. Allen Culpepper